TS104452 l

Photos - Conference 2023

Conference highlights

Below are a selection of photos for the main conference sessions.


Te Whakatuwheratanga o te Wānanga: Mihi Whakatau | Conference Opening

Te Kaiwhakataki Kōrero | Welcome from Mayor Phil Mauger

Te Perehitini o LGNZ  | LGNZ President’s address, Mayor Sam Broughton

Te Kōrero a Te Maruata  | Te Kōrero a Te Maruata 
Bonita Bigham & Iaean Cranwell, Co-chairs – Te Maruata Rōpū Whakahaere 

Te Kōrero a te Pirimia  | Government’s address, Prime Minister Chris Hipkins 

He tirohanga whakamua me Frances Valintine  | Through the looking glass - a glimpse into the future with 
Frances Valintine

Kōrero a te Kaiurungi o te Āpitihana | Leader of the Opposition’s address, Christopher Luxon

Te Kōrero a te Mema Rangatahi i Kōwhiria | Young Elected Members address
Bridget Bell and Logan Soole

He kōrero i te takuahi mō te Te Whakatinanatanga o te Whakahaere Nekehanga | Managed Retreat in Practice, Jamie Simmonds and Renata Hakiwai

Te Pātai Nui - He aha te SuperLocal? He Paewhiri i te Whakahounga o te Kāwanatanga ā-Rohe | A Panel on Reimagining Local Government

Kōrero a te Tumu Whakarae o LGNZ | Chief Executive’s address - Susan Freeman-Greene

Kōrero a te Minita mō te Kāwanatanga Paetata | Minister of Local Government address, Hon Kieran McAnulty  

Mai i Āwhekenetāna ki Aotearoa  | From Afghanistan to New Zealand, Abbas Nazari 

Te whakakapinga | Closing ceremony

Kai o te pō nā Fulton Hogan me ngā Whakawhiwhinga o SuperLocal LGNZ | Fulton Hogan Conference dinner and LGNZ SuperLocal Awards

SuperLeader Award: Mayor Tim King – Tasman District Council
Sponsored byMartinJenkins

SuperIdea Award: South Wairarapa District Council's Dog Pound
Sponsored by Waka Kotahi

SuperEngaged Award: Christchurch City Council - Christchurch City Council - Long Term Plan and Annual Plan Public Engagement Platform 
Sponsored by Air New Zealand

SuperCollab Award and SuperLocal Supreme Award: Hastings District Council - Kuhu mai - collaborating for Hastings' homeless community
Sponsored by Kāinga Ora