Ngā Poari Hapori | Community boards
To view the Community Board information pamphlet, click here.
Community boards were created by the local government reforms in 1989. Some 110 community boards now operate in both urban and rural areas within local authorities throughout New Zealand. They carry out functions and exercise those powers delegated to them by their councils.
View all community boards by their zone and council.
The purpose of a community board is to:
represent and act as an advocate for the interests of the community;
consider and report on any matter referred to it by their council, and any issues of interest to the community board;
make an annual submission to their council on expenditure;
maintain an overview of services provided by their council within the community; and
communicate with community organisations and special interest groups in the community, and undertake any other responsibilities delegated by their council.
Membership of a community board
As per the Local Electoral Act 2001, every community board must consist of at least four members but not more than 12 members. It must include at least four elected members and may include appointed members. The number of appointed members is to be less than half the total number of members.
The role of a community board member is varied and the job is more than just attending community board meetings. To find out more, view the role descriptions for community board members, community board chair and the community board deputy chair.
Useful links
To view the The Good Governance Guide for Community Boards click here.
To view the Community Board Standing Orders and Code of Conduct click here.
To read the The Community Board Story and the reason for community boards click here.
The read about the future of community boards and why New Zealand needs community boards more than ever click here.
Community Board Executive Committee
The Community Board Executive Committee represents all the community boards in New Zealand. It is an advisory committee to Local Government New Zealand's (LGNZ) National Council.
The New Zealand Community Boards Conference takes place every two years. The biennial conference was introduced in 1997 to bring together the community boards of New Zealand to share practice and to help improve the understanding and work of community boards.
Since 2003, the Community Board Executive Committee has sponsored the Community Board Best Practice Awards to celebrate excellence in the implementation of projects in local government. The awards take place every two years at the New Zealand Community Boards Conference.