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Havelock North report provides useful guidance for water management

Local Government New Zealand says the report into the Havelock North water contamination inquiry released yesterday makes an important contribution to water management practice in New Zealand.

glass 1206584 1920 1Local Government New Zealand says the report into the Havelock North water contamination inquiry released yesterday makes an important contribution to water management practice in New Zealand. 

Stage 1 has addressed matters relating directly to the Havelock North water contamination incident and the response to that incident. 

Local Government New Zealand Chief Executive Malcolm Alexander says councils will consider the findings of the report and where necessary factor them into their water management practice. 

“This report shows the need for all territorial authorities, regional councils and Ministry of Health drinking water assessors to be increasingly vigilant in the ways we manage and protect our drinking water,” Mr Alexander says. 

“Local government is the key player in water management in New Zealand takes this role incredibly seriously – our communities depend on access to safe and reliable water and we all have an interest in ensuring nothing like this ever happens again. 

“This report provides further guidance on the lines of responsibility to meet drinking water standards, and how to respond if problems do arise.” 

Mr Alexander says LGNZ will be involved in Stage 2 of the inquiry, which will address systemic issues and lessons to be learned.