17 December 2018
Funding to target local road blackspots welcomed by councils
LGNZ welcomes the Government’s announcement of the Safe Network Programme, which intends to invest $700 to $800 million in local road safety improvements over the next three years.
12 December 2018
Potential for Overseer to improve water quality
A report on whether a farm management tool used to calculate nutrient runoff could be used more widely to better inform water regulation is welcomed by LGNZ, who say that with the right investment it could be used to promote better water quality across the country.
26 November 2018
Central & Local Government partnership provides boost for tourism
A collaboration between central and local government on a review of the Tourism Infrastructure Fund, with nine changes announced today, will assist small communities struggling with the volume of tourists and lead to better experiences for travellers, says LGNZ President Dave Cull.
LGNZ is delighted by the Associate Minister for the Environment’s announcement today of a six month phase-out period for single-use plastic bags.
LGNZ welcomes the establishment of the Housing and Urban Development Authority, noting that housing affordability is a wicked problem for New Zealand that can only be tackled through a partnership between central and local government.
20 November 2018
LGNZ welcomes drinking water reform, not silver bullet policy making
Local Government New Zealand welcomes the Government’s focus on drinking water reforms, but is urging officials not to shut the door on innovation by pursuing a policy of mandatory aggregation as a silver bullet fix to challenges in the three waters space.
20 November 2018
Government must embrace localism to improve community wellbeing
Local Government New Zealand is pleased the Government is starting a discussion to reinvigorate local decision making, but says a bold localist approach is needed to drive meaningful change.
13 November 2018
Local government releases position statement on three waters
LGNZ has released its position statement on three waters at its Quarterly Media Briefing today, calling on the Government to adopt four good public policy principles ahead of any reforms to the three waters sector.
9 November 2018
RMA reform to address key concerns for local government
LGNZ supports the Government’s proposal to wind back a number of Resource Management Act changes that excluded public consultation requirements, a move councils strongly opposed when they were introduced in 2017.
9 November 2018
Local government praises landowners committed to biodiversity
The recently released Report of the Biodiversity Collaborative Group, which includes a draft National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity, represents a useful addition to the policy toolbox to help halt the decline of biodiversity says LGNZ President Dave Cull.
6 November 2018
LGNZ supports strategy to manage tourism growth
Local Government New Zealand welcomes the Government’s draft Tourism Strategy, announced this morning, which recognises the huge potential of the tourism industry and the need for sustainable growth and cooperation between all stakeholders.
Local Government New Zealand is one of seven key New Zealand organisations that have joined forces today to launch the Tiaki Promise, an initiative to encourage travellers, both domestic and international, to respect New Zealand’s environment and travel safely.
31 October 2018
Tararua District Council receives BB CouncilMARK™ rating
The latest report of local government excellence programme CouncilMARK™ has been released today for Tararua District Council. The report and more information on CouncilMARK™ can be found here.
The latest reports of local government excellence programme CouncilMARK™ have been released today for Central Hawke’s Bay District Council and Tararua District Council.
The latest report of local government excellence programme CouncilMARK™ have been released today for Central Hawke’s Bay District Council. All reports and more information on CouncilMARK™ can be found here.
LGNZ has welcomed this afternoon’s announcement from Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones of $19 million in co-funding from the Provincial Growth Fund to enable extensive 3D elevation mapping of New Zealand’s regions.
24 October 2018
Wastewater report supports call for targeted policy
LGNZ has welcomed the Government’s release of a report by GHD and Boffa Miskell into the costs of upgrading wastewater treatment plants, noting that it supports the sector’s call for a targeted policy response to help small rural councils pay for hard infrastructure upgrades.
10 October 2018
Councils, business vital partners in climate change adaptation
LGNZ President Dave Cull told delegates at the Climate Change and Business Conference this morning that while businesses have led the charge to quantify the financial impact of climate change on their balance sheets, they need to expand their risk awareness to whether they will be able to operate at all.
8 October 2018
Councils welcome new freshwater toolkit
Regional and unitary councils have welcomed the announcement of the Government’s new work programme to further improve the quality of freshwater in New Zealand.
19 September 2018
Government urged to keep an open mind on water
Local Government New Zealand is urging central government to keep its policy options open, and work collaboratively with local government to find the best solution so that New Zealanders continue to enjoy safe drinking water.
7 September 2018
LGNZ work reveals billions at risk from sea level rise
New Zealand’s local government sector stands on the front line in the fight against climate change, according to the initial findings of a new report, which shows that billions of dollars of roading, water, and public transport infrastructure are at risk from as little as a half a metre sea level rise.
5 September 2018
Symposium explores challenges and opportunities of climate change
Attendees at LGNZ’s Climate Change Symposium in Wellington on Friday 7 September will discuss the challenges and opportunities of climate change facing New Zealand communities now and in the future.
The Productivity Commission's final report reflects Local Government New Zealand's submission that good quality compact urban form, combined with good public transport, can contribute to the reduction of emissions.
LGNZ welcomes the Government’s response today on delivering better responses to natural disasters and other emergencies, having taken the Technical Advisory Group’s (TAG) recommendations to put safety and wellbeing of New Zealanders at the heart of the emergency management system.
28 August 2018
New council assessments show sound council performance
The latest reports of council assessments through the local government excellence programme CouncilMARK™ have released today for Environment Canterbury and Upper Hutt City Council. All reports and more information on CouncilMARK™ can be found here.
The Independent Assessment Board which oversees the local government excellence programme CouncilMARK™ has released today the reports of council assessments and ratings for Environment Canterbury and Upper Hutt City Council.
20 August 2018
Councils back the Government’s waste work programme
Local Government New Zealand are pleased to see a waste work programme announced today by the Associate Minister for the Environment will aim to address waste issues that councils have been calling for support on.
15 August 2018
Boost for tourism infrastructure in hotspot regions
Local Government New Zealand welcomes this morning’s announcement from the Government that $8.5 million in responsible camping infrastructure and initiatives will be implemented ahead of the 2018/19 peak season, as recommended by the Responsible Camping Working Group.
10 August 2018
Local government welcome action on single-use plastic bags
LGNZ welcome this morning’s announcement by the Government on action towards phasing out the use of single-use plastic bags.
LGNZ President Dave Cull has at this morning’s Quarterly Media Briefing congratulated the government on recognising that tourists should contribute to the costs of the infrastructure they use, however LGNZ says the proposed border levy is only part of the solution.
7 August 2018
Let’s get the facts straight on waste
LGNZ President Dave Cull has backed a WasteMINZ report calling for investigation into the broadening and progressive increase of New Zealand’s Waste Levy at this morning’s LGNZ Quarterly Media Briefing, and says that recent conversation around waste management has been hijacked by speculation on the rate of increase.
Palmerston North City Council and Rotorua Lakes Council have led the way at the Local Government New Zealand EXCELLENCE Awards.
Palmerston North City Council projects have won two out of six categories, and shared the overall Judges’ Choice Award in the Local Government New Zealand EXCELLENCE Awards.
Innovative Rotorua Lakes Council projects have won two out of six categories and shared the overall Judges’ Choice Award at the Local Government New Zealand EXCELLENCE Awards.
Waipa District Council’s innovative project to increase its community’s knowledge of its history is among winners of the Local Government New Zealand EXCELLENCE Awards 2018.
17 July 2018
Environmental honours for Wellington predator control project in LGNZ EXCELLENCE Awards
Wellington City Council’s Our Natural Capital programme, to protect the capital’s native biodiversity, is a winner in the Local Government New Zealand EXCELLENCE Awards.
Strong community engagement has won two Hawke’s Bay council projects accolades in the Local Government New Zealand EXCELLENCE Awards 2018.
Innovative Northland Council projects to protect the region’s precious marine environment and to promote responsible dog ownership have been highly commended in the Local Government New Zealand EXCELLENCE Awards.
Waipa District Council has been named among winners of the Local Government New Zealand EXCELLENCE Awards 2018, with Waikato District Council and Waikato Mayoral Forum projects highly commended.
Wairoa District Council has been highly commended in the Local Government New Zealand EXCELLENCE Awards 2018 for its innovative Wairoa Wastewater Stakeholder Group project.
16 July 2018
Central and local government walking the same path on climate change adaptation strategy
Central and local government showed strong alignment on strategy for climate change adaptation as Local Government New Zealand President Dave Cull and Minister for Climate Change Hon James Shaw shared the stage today at the annual LGNZ Conference in Christchurch.
Local Government New Zealand has honoured Rotorua leader Cr Trevor Maxwell MZNM with the Minister of Local Government EXCELLENCE Award for Outstanding Contribution to Local Government.
LGNZ’s annual conference kicked off today with the Local Government New Zealand Annual General Meeting where thirteen policy remits were voted on. This year remits focused on infrastructure and funding, waste, climate change, the environment and social issues.
Local Government New Zealand is pleased with the terms of reference for the Productivity Commissions’ forthcoming inquiry into local government funding and finance which were launched by Minister of Finance Hon Grant Robertson at its annual conference in Christchurch this afternoon.
15 July 2018
Revitalising democracy: LGNZ President Dave Cull’s opening address to the 2018 LGNZ Conference
Kia ora tatou and welcome to the 2018 Local Government New Zealand conference.
15 July 2018
Bringing government back to the people - LGNZ and The New Zealand Initiative start Project Localism
Instead of relying on central government to decide what is good for our communities it is time to empower councils and communities themselves to make such decisions, Local Government New Zealand and The New Zealand Initiative say.
This weekend close to 600 local and central government members will meet for the annual LGNZ Conference in Christchurch.
LGNZ supports the Government’s announcements today that it is amending the Health Act to enable speedier consultation on new drinking water standards.
Local Government New Zealand has today supported the Government’s response to the Land and Water Forum’s recommendations on its national approach to identifying high risk catchments.
LGNZ welcomes the implementation of new legislation from 1 July 2018 that allows eligible retirement village residents to apply to their local council for a rates rebate.
LGNZ welcomes the Government’s acknowledgement today, in its announcement of a proposed International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy, that visitors who use community facilities should contribute to the cost of those facilities.
Innovative Wellington City Council projects to protect the capital’s native biodiversity and to collaborate to build emergency water resilience are among finalists in the Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) EXCELLENCE Awards.
Strong community engagement around the future management of wastewater in Wairoa has won the District Council a finalist place in the Local Government New Zealand EXCELLENCE Awards 2018 in the Fulton Hogan EXCELLENCE Award for Community Engagement.
Foxton’s world-class Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom project has won Horowhenua District Council a finalist place in the Local Government New Zealand EXCELLENCE Awards 2018 in the Creative New Zealand EXCELLENCE Award for Best Creative Place.
Council’s Long-term strategy, The Rotorua Way, and two projects that come underneath the future-proofing plan have been nominated for three Local Government New Zealand EXCELLENCE categories this year.
Three Palmerston North City Council projects, including the innovative Junior Road Safety Park, are finalists in the Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) EXCELLENCE Awards.
Commitment to supporting local artists through its flagship Kāpiti Arts Trail has won the Kāpiti Coast District Council a finalist place in the Local Government New Zealand EXCELLENCE Awards, in the Creative New Zealand EXCELLENCE Award for Best Creative Place.
Kaikōura District Council’s project to bring local businesses together to feed infrastructure recovery workers is a finalist in the Local Government New Zealand EXCELLENCE Awards 2018, in the Fulton Hogan EXCELLENCE Award for Community Engagement.
Innovative projects to protect the region’s precious marine environment and to promote responsible dog ownership have won two Northland councils finalist places in the Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) EXCELLENCE Awards.
Strong leadership and community engagement has won three Hawke’s Bay councils finalist places in the Local Government New Zealand EXCELLENCE Awards 2018.
The innovative WTF Tairawhiti campaign has won Gisborne District Council a finalist place in the Local Government New Zealand EXCELLENCE Awards 2018, in the Fulton Hogan EXCELLENCE Award for Community Engagement.
The new Ngaruawahia-to-Horotiu cycleway and Perry Bridge are among four Waikato council projects named as finalists in the Local Government New Zealand EXCELLENCE Awards 2018.
An innovative approach to community engagement has won Manurewa and Papakura Local Boards a finalist place in the Local Government New Zealand EXCELLENCE Awards 2018, in the Fulton Hogan EXCELLENCE Award for Community Engagement.
From a world-leading programme to locate library services in a DHB health hub, to innovative economic, environmental and arts strategies, finalists in the 2018 Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) EXCELLENCE Awards showcase a wide range of outstanding council leadership initiatives.
Attendees at LGNZ’s Water Summit in Wellington over the next two days will discuss potential solutions to improve New Zealand’s freshwater and three waters delivery.
LGNZ’s Water 2050: Quality – Review of the framework for water quality discussion paper released today has identified three key issues for New Zealand’s framework for water quality, and points to opportunities for change that could be a focus under the Government’s Three Waters Review.
The Independent Assessment Board which oversees the local government excellence programme CouncilMARK™ has today released the Mackenzie District Council assessment report. Mackenzie District received a B rating.
Communities are being served well by the Mackenzie District Council, a report completed under the local government excellence programme CouncilMARK™ shows.
24 May 2018
CCATWG report a step in the right direction
Local Government New Zealand welcomes the release this morning of the Climate Change Adaptation Technical Working Group’s final report on how New Zealand can adapt to the impacts of climate change.
Local Government New Zealand welcomes the increased support that the Government’s Budget 2018 will provide for communities through housing, regional development and environmental preservation.
Funding for an additional 6,400 public houses over the next four years and a $15.
LGNZ President Dave Cull welcomes Minister of Local Government Hon Nanaia Mahuta’s announcement today that there will be a Productivity Commission inquiry into local government funding.
LGNZ President Dave Cull says that new forecasts predicting an international visitor increase of 37% to 5.
Local Government New Zealand welcomes the release this morning of the Productivity Commission’s draft low emissions economy report as another step towards greater action on climate change.
The freedom camping boom and its issues have been at the centre of debate among over 50 delegates at the LGNZ freedom camping symposium today in Nelson.
The announcement today of a central and local government working group on freedom camping by Minister of Tourism Kelvin Davis comes ahead of a LGNZ run symposium to be held in Nelson on Thursday.
6 April 2018
Four well-beings restored to local communities
Local Government New Zealand is delighted to see the introduction of the Local Government (Community Well-being) Amendment Bill which restores the four aspects of community well-being along with the introduction of legislation which supports trials of online voting in the 2019 local authority elections.
Regional councils are this month announcing draft targets that are a step towards the goal of 90 per cent of rivers and lakes being swimmable by 2040.
Local Government New Zealand is calling on the Government to remove poll provisions for Māori wards and constituencies.
A working party led by local and central government on freedom camping is a positive step towards finding solutions for a complex problem, Local Government New Zealand says.
Wellingtonians are being well served by the Greater Wellington Regional Council, a report completed under the local government excellence programme CouncilMARK™ shows.
The report from new Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment Simon Upton calling for a structured and long-term approach to climate change includes a number of important recommendations, Local Government New Zealand says.
23 February 2018
Regions get boost with Provincial Growth Fund
The $1 billion Provincial Growth Fund launched by the Government today will give New Zealand’s regions a boost and help unlock the potential of our rural and smaller centres, Local Government New Zealand says.
13 February 2018
Seventeenth CouncilMARK™ assessment report released
Local Government New Zealand congratulates Taupō District Council on its completion of the local government excellence programme, CouncilMARK™.
31 January 2018
Freedom camping discussions important step to action
The growth in freedom camping this summer has brought its negative impacts to a head and Local Government New Zealand welcomes Tourism Minister Hon Kelvin Davis’ invitation to mayors to discuss the issue.
18 January 2018
Civil defence review offers useful recommendations
A new report released by Minister for Civil Defence Hon Kris Faafoi recommending changes to how emergencies are managed in New Zealand lays a solid foundation for work to improve civil defence systems, Local Government New Zealand says.