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Funding to target local road blackspots welcomed by councils

LGNZ welcomes the Government’s announcement of the Safe Network Programme, which intends to invest $700 to $800 million in local road safety improvements over the next three years.


LGNZ welcomes the Government’s announcement of the Safe Network Programme, which intends to invest $700 to $800 million in local road safety improvements over the next three years.

The move comes after concerted work between LGNZ and NZTA to focus funding through targeted enhanced funding assistance rates based on policy priorities outlined in the Government Policy Statement on land transport and allocated through the National Land Transport Fund.

“Councils have identified areas of road that are dangerous, and have already spent considerable resource on them to make them safer.  Today’s announcement will enable councils to tackle more of these blackspots to significantly lift the safety of our roads,” says LGNZ President Dave Cull.

The Investment Assessment Framework (IAF) helps prioritise projects submitted in Regional Land Transport Plans under activity classes, such as local road improvements, public transport and walking and cycling.  Further, there may be additional outreach to councils to highlight “low cost, high impact” projects for funding.

“Local knowledge is key to identifying where roads aren’t up to scratch, as local users know their roads better than anyone.  With this programme, we can make real improvements so travelling is safer, whether that’s in a car, on a bus, walking or on a bike.”

“Now that the funding is in place we can turn our focus to making real improvements on the ground.  We’re looking forward to working closely with central government to make this happen.”