Local Government New Zealand welcomes plans to form The New Zealand Infrastructure Commission, Te Waihanga, and supports its aim to deliver long term strategy and coordination of infrastructure planning.
“Unprecedented population growth and the need to adapt for climate change and a low emissions economy means that New Zealand is behind the eight ball in terms of infrastructure investment,” says LGNZ President Dave Cull.
“We welcome the focus of Te Waihanga as an independent, impartial provider of long-term infrastructure planning for New Zealand. Having a central agency to act as a ‘shop front’ that the private sector can interact with, and having an ability to buy goods and services in bulk will be of massive benefit to regional development projects.”
“By providing a long-view on infrastructure planning, we hope that the commission can fill information and planning gaps around what infrastructure is needed, by when, and how it can be delivered. In doing this, the commission will give certainty to our labour force and businesses, and help deliver quality, efficient infrastructure that improves the wellbeing and living standards of all New Zealanders.”