LGNZ broadly supports the Road to Zero Safety Strategy, saying that its success will depend on government and NZTA improving their relationships with local communities, who directly fund this core infrastructure through fuel taxes and rates.
Local councils are responsible for 88 per cent of New Zealand’s roading network, representing 83,000km of roads. In the year ending 30 June 2018, local government spent over $2.9 billion in operating expenditure on roading infrastructure.
Safety improvements in many councils’ regional land transport plans have been delayed for the last 12 months, so we’re hopeful that today’s strategy launch is a signal that the Government is coming to the party to co-invest in these improvements
“It’s important that our central government agencies listen to the safety concerns of local people. Where speed limits need adjusting, that’s fine, but we also need to look at improving the quality of roads as a solution,” says LGNZ President Dave Cull.
“Roading is a complex system that is vital to every New Zealander, and territorial authorities, unitary councils and regional councils all play an important role in the planning, funding and delivery of the transport system.”
“New Zealand really needs this strategy to be a success. There is far too much suffering on our roads and if you talk to any local they’ll tell you where the problem areas are – let’s use that knowledge to improve our roads,” concluded Cull.