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Addressing New Zealand's Biodiversity Challenge

LGNZ's Regional Sector led a think piece on the future of biodiversity management in New Zealand.

To view a copy of the full think piece document click here.


Five recommendations for change

Our native flora and fauna is a Taonga that does much to define us as a nation and the time is right to tackle the big questions around its future management. Good progress is being made in some areas, aided by effective new technology and greater public, corporate and philanthropic attention to and investment in the environment. But business as usual will not be good enough if we are to maintain our unique indigenous biodiversity. It is under threat, and we are losing ground in many cases. We have considered how we could better manage our indigenous biodiversity, with a particular focus on the role and work of regional councils.

LGNZ has five recommendations for change to address New Zealand's biodiversity challenge.  To view them click here.

The Regional Sector's biodiversity think piece video can be viewed here.


Biodiversity offsetting under the Resource Management Act

LGNZ's Regional Sector has prepared guidance for biodiversity offsetting under the RMA.

This guidance is of particular relevance to council policy planners, consent planners and strategic programme managers. It’s the result of a nationwide effort by regional councils and unitary authorities to provide more direction to councils and consent applicants on ‘how to do’ offsetting under the RMA. Written by a team of leading NZ biodiversity offsetting experts, the guidance traverses five chapters that cover all aspects of biodiversity offsetting under the RMA, from policy development to consent compliance.

For the full guidance document click here.  To read a summary of the work click here.




Improving outcomes from the delivery of biodiversity offsetting and compensation

LGNZ's Regional Sector has commissioned a think-piece for local and central government practitioners working to improve outcomes from biodiversity offsets and compensation.

 The think-piece is particularly relevant to local and central government policy and implementation. It looks at challenges and opportunities for the use of strategic mechanisms and provides respective recommendations for local and central government.

To view a copy of the full think piece document click here.