TS150308 l

Natural hazards

LGNZ has done a review into managing risks from natural hazards and in October 2014 released a think piece titled Managing natural hazard risk in New Zealand – Towards more resilient communities.'

The think piece finds there is a need for a national approach to managing risk from natural hazards including principles for hazard reduction.  It pinpoints two core ideas.  The first is the need for issue and place-specific responses to natural hazards, rather than a one size fits all approach.  The second is the need for integration and collaboration to develop and deliver effective responses across the many players.  

To read our full media release on the think piece, click here

Legal opinions

The following are legal opinions from Simpson Grierson on managing natural hazard risks.

  • Liability risks for councils re coastal hazard information
    This opinion provides advice on whether councils can prevent development and/or the extension of existing development, under the RMA and Building Act.

  • Councils ability to limit development in natural hazard areas
    This opinion provides advice on the potential liability councils may face as a result of re-drawing hazards lines/zones in coastal areas and flood plains. The advice covers liability risk for councils in terms of the RMA, Building Act and for general information requests under LGOIMA, PIMs and LIMs. The advice also addresses the question of what defines 'best available information.'

  • The role of Land Information Memorandum in natural hazard management
    Land Information Memorandum (LIM) contribute to the management of natural hazards by providing information to property owners and potential purchasers. LIMs were included into the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (1987) in 1992, and after more than two decades of being enacted, there is still a lot of confusion and inconsistent approaches to managing information requirements within LIMs. This report investigated the following questions:
    • What is the role of the LIM in communicating natural hazard information?
    • When should information be included in a LIM?
    • What improvements could be made to the LIM system?

Climate change

Work being undertaken by councils on climate change

National Policy Statement on Flood Risk

On 16 February 2011, LGNZ held a seminar on natural hazards risk management.

Workshop papers

Each section of the day was followed by participants discussing and sharing with the wider forum what conclusions they had reached after listening to the presentations. These have been written up as follows for your information.

Wrap up comments for the day were recorded and written up for your information.

Flood Management Sub-committee 2006

At its meeting on 18 August 2006 the Regional Sector Group (then Regional Affairs Committee) resolved to appoint a Flood Management Sub-committee to work on flooding related matters. Below are links to documents related to the Sub-committee's work.