LGN 4871 Housing Image 4 BANNER

Housing 2030

Housing is a significant issue for all New Zealanders. We need to get housing right for the sake of our communities’ social and economic futures. Unaffordable housing is having a negative impact on local economies, discretionary household expenditure and social well-being.  This means addressing matters of supply, how social and community housing needs are met and the importance of healthy homes.  Underpinning the issue is the need for appropriate funding and financing.


In reflection of outcomes from LGNZ’s leadership engagement with all 78 local government councils in 2017, LGNZ’s National Council agreed that a 2018 priority topic should be housing. 

As this is a broad and complex area of work, LGNZ staff focused their efforts in three general areas: 

  • Supply;
  • Social and community housing; and
  • Healthy homes.

Further, LGNZ created three working groups (supply, social and community housing, and growth council) to provide operational and expert advise on advocacy products and needed tools for councils.

In 2019 LGNZ will continue work under its three themes, but will reduce the number of working groups down to two (retaining supply and community and social housing).  The following highlights this year’s objectives, advocacy and actions, and outcomes.   

An A3 graphic of the programme can be found here.


Affordable Housing report

LGNZ has released reports that provide information on policy, regulatory and market tools developed to assist councils who wish to stimulate the supply of affordable housing within their communities.

To read the reports click here.


About the Housing 2030 Project


Central Government news:

Click here to read housing related news from the Beehive.


Video resources: