LGN 4871 Housing Image 4 BANNER

Regulatory Framework


Councils use a broad set of innovative approaches to grow their capability to facilitate growth and improve housing supply.

Advocacy and Actions

Provide comment on the Minister for Building and Construction’s legislative reform programme in 2019, continue advocacy to Government for alternatives to current liability arrangements (which may include execution of a LGNZ remit), and coordinate with the Strategic Metro Building Manager's Group to develop a single centralised database of competent producer statement authors, managed and maintained by Engineering New Zealand.


LGNZ will have written correspondence and direct engagement with government and stakeholders on regulatory issues in housing that have the potential to disrupt or streamline consenting processes.  Further, it will influence decision-makers to amend the Building Act 2004 to change liability arrangements (joint and several) to a fair and appropriate legal and financial responsibility.  This will be accomplished through advocacy with MBIE and other Government organisations and elected representatives.



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