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2021 CBEC Conference

The theme of the 2021 Community Boards Conference was "Interconnected Communities | Te Kotahitanga".  Community Boards throughout New Zealand play a major role in supporting their communities and their Councils. This makes them an integral and vital cog in Local Government.

It was the thirteenth Community Boards conference and took place from 22-24 April 2021 in Gore.

Conference presentations

Presentations from the 2021 Community Board Conference can be found below:

1 - From ‘inconvenient truths’ to disastrous misconceptions - whistle blowing on the meaning of 'sustainability' (Ken Ross)

2 - Safe Communities: working together to strengthen local community safety, resilience and wellbeing (Saniya Thompson and Jayne McAllister)

3 - BEAD the change you want to see in the world - using creativity to impact the 17 biggest challenges of today (Bridget Williams, Founder, Bead and Proceed)

4 - Local Government Reform (Mike Reid, LGNZ)

5 - Supporting small businesses to survive and thrive (Sarah Colcord)

6 - Taste of Gore (Jim Geddes, District Curator, Eastern Southland Gallery)

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NZCBC pocket programme