We want Aotearoa New Zealand to be the most active and inclusive local democracy in the world.
It’s a rapidly changing and exciting time to be a part of local government. Local government only succeeds if people who represent and care for communities are prepared to serve in local government.
We have searched for the best people to shape our cities, towns and regions. Our members need vision and commitment to help them make our communities better places in which to live.
Successful local election candidates are those that take the time to listen to their communities and go on to champion their voice as their representative.
As an elected member, you’ll have our backing. You’ll be supported by us and our commitment to providing all elected members with the advice, support, and professional development they need to do the best job they can for their communities.
Guide for candidates
Our comprehensive 2022 guide outlines important information about standing for local government, how councils work, nomination requirements and common questions.
Check out the 2022 candidate guide
Learn about current elected members in New Zealand
Things to know once you're elected
See a handy collection of thoughts and tips from our Young Elected Members' Committee.
Roles you can stand for
There are a few roles in local government that candidates can stand for:
- mayor
- councillor (in either a territorial authority or regional council)
- local board member
- community board member
- local licensing trust (if your district or city has one)
Nomination process
Candidate nominations are open from 15 July 2022 until 12 August 2022 at 12 noon.
The nomination process involves:
- Completing of an official nomination form and sending to the council’s electoral officer.
- Nominations from two people. Candidates cannot nominate themselves, and people who nominate candidates must be over 18 years old and enrolled to vote in the area the candidate is planning to stand.
- Candidates must consent to their nomination going forward.
- A $200 deposit must be paid, which may be refunded depending on election results.
- Candidates must be New Zealand citizens.