We want more Kiwis to get involved in the 2022 Local Authority Elections and that includes tamariki - our future voters!
The Ngā Pōti ā-Taiohi - Youth Voting initiative is for tamariki aged between 11-15 years old (school years 7 to 10). It replicates the local authority elections taking place in each area in their akomanga, classroom.
Youth voting gives tamariki a chance to try out the election process by discussing what’s important to them, voting for candidates on real issues, and comparing their results against the official election results. Youth voting is designed to align with the civics education theme in the existing school curriculum.
How it works
Ngā Pōti ā-Taiohi - Youth Voting registrations are open here.
Registrations close on Friday 12 August 2022.
Youth voting will take place from Friday 16 September to Friday 30 September 2022.
Kaiako, teachers that register will be provided with the resources to plan and run an election in their akomanga, classroom. We’ll also include an updated Teacher’s Guide for 2022 and background information on how to contact local candidates and conduct local campaigns.
When you register, you’ll digitally receive voting packs from Friday 16 to Wednesday 21 September 2022 while NZ Post begins to deliver voting papers to households across the motu. This is approximately three weeks before polling day, on Saturday 8 October 2022.
Voting must be completed by the last day of term three, which is Friday 30 September 2022. Ballot boxes need to be sealed until they are opened on the first day of term four on Monday 17 October which is the day after provisional results from the elections will have been announced.
Ngā Pōti ā-Taiohi – Youth Voting Teacher’s guide
The Ngā Pōti ā-Taiohi – Youth Voting Teacher’s guide that has been designed to help teachers’ run youth voting in their school or classroom. It contains a how-to guide and useful information about local elections and key concepts that could be discussed with students.
The guide is available in both Te Reo Māori and English.
Te Reo Māori Ngā Pōti ā-Taiohi – Youth Voting Teacher’s guide
English Ngā Pōti ā-Taiohi – Youth Voting Teacher’s guide
Get in touch
To find out more information about Ngā Pōti ā-Taiohi - Youth Voting 2022, please email vote2022@lgnz.co.nz