TS908652 l


Taituarā — Local Government Professionals Aotearoa

Taituarā is local government's professional management organisation that builds capability and promotes work excellence among local government managers and staff through membership services, professional development and training, good practice resources and influencing policy development and implementation.

Civic Assurance

Civic Assurance is New Zealand's specialist provider of insurance, mutual funding and risk financing for local government and public sector organisations.

Local Government Commission

The Local Government Commission is responsible for determining a range of matters related to the organisation of local government. In particular, it:

  • considers and processes proposals for constituting new districts, for the union of districts or regions, and for city or district councils to assume regional functions;
  • investigates and rules on objections from any party concerning draft reorganisation schemes proposed by councils; and
  • reviews regional, city and district council decisions at the triennial review of membership and constituency or ward boundaries.

The Commission consists of three members appointed by the Minister of Local Government.

Office of the Controller and Auditor-General

The Controller and Auditor-General (the Auditor-General) is an Officer of Parliament and provides independent assurance that public sector organisations, including local authorities, are operating in accordance with Parliament's intentions. There is also a need for independent assurance of local government.

As an Officer of Parliament, the Auditor-General provides independent assurance to both Parliament and the public through:

  • annual audits and other audits of public entities;
  • exercise of the Controller function including the appropriation audit;
  • performance audits and other studies;
  • responding to enquiries from ratepayers, taxpayers, and members of parliament; and
  • approvals under the Local Authorities (Members' Interests) Act 1968.

The Auditor-General regularly publishes guidance for local authority members about how to comply with the Local Government Act; see Guidance for members of local authorities about the law on conflicts of interest.

Office of the Ombudsman

An Ombudsman is an Officer of Parliament appointed by the Governor-General on the recommendation of Parliament.  An Ombudsman's primary role is to independently investigate administrative acts and decisions of central and local government departments and organisations that affect someone in a personal capacity.

Anyone who has a complaint of that nature about a local authority may ask the Ombudsman to investigate the complaint.  The Ombudsman may obtain whatever information is considered necessary, whether from the complainant, the Chief Executive of the local body involved, or any other party.  

If a complaint is sustained, the Ombudsman may recommend the local authority take whatever action the Ombudsman considers would be an appropriate remedy. Any such recommendation is, however, not binding.

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment

The Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment was established by the Environment Act 1986.  The Commissioner is appointed for a five-year term by the Governor-General on the recommendation of Parliament. The agency:

  • provides an independent check in maintaining and improving the quality of the environment; and
  • reviews environmental management processes and reports recommendations to Parliament.

The Commissioner's reports are always published in accordance with the Commissioner's function to promote sound environmental reporting.

Remuneration Authority

In 2001 Parliament transferred the authority for setting elected members' remuneration from the Minister of Local Government to the Remuneration Authority (previously the Higher Salaries Commission).  

The Authority uses a formula to determine the total amount available for elected members' remuneration on a council by council basis. Within the formula, councils can use their discretion to develop remuneration systems that meet their own circumstances.  However, all systems must be approved by the Authority.  It also sets the remuneration level for all Mayors.  The Authority makes an annual cost of living determination.

Association of Local Government Information Management Inc (ALGIM)

ALGIM provides leadership to local government in information management and information processes, and is a voice for local government information management.

Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA NZ)

IPWEA NZ is an incorporated society that exists to uphold and improve the status of engineering and management of public assets in New Zealand.

Mayors Taskforce for Jobs

The Mayors Taskforce for Jobs is a nationwide network of mayors working on the issues of work and livelihood in their communities. It focuses on youth employment and engagement in local communities.

The National Asset Management Steering (NAMS) Group

The NAMS Group is a non-profit industry organisation established to promote asset management through the development of best practice guidelines and training.