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CouncilMARK™ Independent Assessment Board releases first council reports

The Independent Assessment Board which oversees the new local government excellence programme CouncilMARK™ has today released the first set of council assessments and grades. 

CouncilMark Campaign Yellow RGBThe Independent Assessment Board which oversees the new local government excellence programme CouncilMARK™ has today released the first set of council assessments and grades. 

IAB Chair Toby Stevenson says the five reports measure indicators across leadership, finance, asset management, service delivery and community engagement. 

The programme was launched in August 2016 with 18 councils signed up for the inaugural year.  Of those five reports are being released today, with further reports to be released in the coming months.  

The reports released today are for Horowhenua District Council, Queenstown Lakes District Council, Matamata-Piako District Council, Ruapehu District Council and Napier City Council. 

Reports and more information on CouncilMARK™ can be found here

Mr Stevenson says the reports are designed to give councils and communities an informed and independent view on how they are carrying out their role as Councils, including on where they are excelling and areas for improvement. 

“The reports have been completed by independent assessors under the direction of the board, and offer an independent assessment of each council’s performance in key areas,” Mr Stevenson says. 

“These reports will provide valuable information to councils and communities.  Measuring performance means both can assess how to better deliver ongoing and increased value to communities.”