Local Government New Zealand congratulates the incoming Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and welcomes the new Labour-led government.
LGNZ also congratulates New Zealand First and the Greens and their respective leaders, Rt Hon Winston Peters and James Shaw.
LGNZ President Dave Cull says local government and the new Government share many common goals and the sector is looking forward to seeing progress in a number of key areas.
“All parties that form the new Government have committed to a stronger relationship with local government and to addressing many of the key issues our communities face,” Mr Cull says.
“We have been advocating for a number of important shifts in recent years and based on the policy platforms of the new Government we anticipate a substantial step forward on many of these.
“The key focus for local government is ensuring our towns, cities, district and regions’ infrastructure and funding needs are met, so the country can continue to meet economic growth needs and pressures resulting from climate change, natural hazards and increased environmental standards. We need a wide range of tools to fund growth and maintenance across the three waters, housing and tourism in particular. Related to this is a need for clear policy to deal with climate change adaptation and mitigation, risk and resilience, an approach to water quality and quantity that connects standards with infrastructure and cost, and addressing the social and affordable housing issues that become more acute every day.”
Mr Cull says LGNZ is well placed to build a genuine and productive partnership with the new Government.
“Local government has good relationships across the Parliament, and we look forward to further cementing those existing relationships and to building new ones. We believe that a positive and constructive relationship between local and central government is vital to move New Zealand forward, and this means strengthening the roles of our communities.”