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Second New Zealand China Mayoral Forum to strengthen relationship

Local Government New Zealand is delighted to be hosting the second New Zealand China Mayoral Forum in Wellington this year, following the successful inaugural event of 2015. 

China forum 9218Local Government New Zealand is delighted to be hosting the second New Zealand China Mayoral Forum in Wellington this year, following the successful inaugural event of 2015. 

The second Forum to be held in Wellington in December was announced by Prime Minister Rt Hon Bill English and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang today. 

Twelve Mayors and a significant number of business delegates from New Zealand’s cities and regions travelled to Xiamen in 2015 to meet with Chinese counterparts to enhance cooperation between New Zealand and Chinese local governments, and to establish better connections between Chinese and New Zealand cities.  The Forum was hosted by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC).  Over 300 delegates and some of China’s largest cities were involved.

The second Forum will be held in Wellington on 4 December 2017, with a focus on sustainable economies and balancing economic development and the environment.  Topics to be discussed include trade and investment opportunities in tourism, education and primary industries. There will also be a focus on sharing expertise in social wellbeing and environmental protection. 

LGNZ President Lawrence Yule says the 2015 Forum was a great success, strengthening the relationships between regions of both countries. 

“China is our biggest trading partner and as such our relationship is extremely important to our economy,” Mr Yule says.

“The Forum of two years ago further enriched New Zealand’s ties with China and we look forward to meeting again later this year. There were a number of positive outcomes including the signing of the Xiamen Declaration which signifies co-operation at the sub-national level to achieve economic development outcomes.” 

Wellington Mayor Justin Lester says the capital is proud to host the event and that it reflects the growing importance of the city’s relationship with China. 

It is anticipated that up to 15 cities from China will be represented at the Forum in December, with significant political and business delegations expected.  Between 200 and 300 are expected to be involved. 

A business forum matching session will be arranged on the Sunday prior to the forum.