LGNZ supports the Government’s announcements today that it is amending the Health Act to enable speedier consultation on new drinking water standards.
“Changes that allow the regulatory regime to be more nimble and responsive to public safety issues are in everyone’s interest” says LGNZ President Dave Cull.
Such changes however differ to the broader reform matters under consideration by Government in the three waters area. Any changes to regulatory requirements or delivery mechanisms need to be appropriate to proven policy concerns and take account of local considerations.
“Reforms to delivery of water services need to clearly deliver value. LGNZ is liaising with the Government as it considers options for reform of the three waters regime and the broader delivery arrangements for three waters” said Mr Cull.
“As part of that, we expect meaningful engagement with local government and appropriate consideration of individual council’s circumstances.”
The Havelock North Inquiry recommended an independent regulator for drinking water, mandatory treatment and aggregated water supplies and the Government is considering the merit of these recommendations as part of its reform process. LGNZ is concerned to ensure that any changes add value and meet the needs of local communities.