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Innovative projects feature in local government EXCELLENCE Awards

From a world-leading programme to locate library services in a DHB health hub, to innovative economic, environmental and arts strategies, finalists in the 2018 Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) EXCELLENCE Awards showcase a wide range of outstanding council leadership initiatives.

From a world-leading programme to locate library services in a DHB health hub, to innovative economic, environmental and arts strategies, finalists in the 2018 Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) EXCELLENCE Awards showcase a wide range of outstanding council leadership initiatives.

The awards, now in their fifth year, recognise and celebrate the key role local government plays within New Zealand communities.

The awards attracted its highest ever number of entries, with 75 applications and 22 finalists for six awards. This year includes a new category, for Governance, Leadership and Strategy. Winners will be announced at the LGNZ conference gala dinner in Christchurch on 16 July.

LGNZ President Dave Cull says local government plays an essential role in driving residential, community and economic activity throughout New Zealand.

“Local councils provide the essential infrastructure and other services which all New Zealanders use on a weekly, daily and hourly basis,” said Mr Cull.

“But they also lead and implement the vision, direction and place-making of the towns, cities, districts and regions of New Zealand.”

“The EXCELLENCE finalists all demonstrate the innovation, excellence in communication and consultative work undertaken to involve communities in the decisions and planning which frame their future and link closely to LGNZ’s CouncilMARK programme.”

Forty per cent of New Zealand’s local authorities have signed up to this programme, which is designed to improve the public’s knowledge of the work councils are doing in their communities and to support individual councils to further improve the service and value they provide.

Local authorities were invited to submit award applications in six categories:

  • EXCELLENCE Award for Best Practice in Governance, Leadership and Strategy
  • EXCELLENCE Award for Best Practice in Service Delivery and Asset Management
  • Fulton Hogan EXCELLENCE Award for Community Engagement
  • EXCELLENCE Award for Best Practice Contribution to Local Economic Development
  • Air New Zealand EXCELLENCE Award for Environmental Impact
  • Creative New Zealand EXCELLENCE Award for Best Creative Place

The 22 finalists in the LGNZ EXCELLENCE Awards 2018 are:

EXCELLENCE Award for Best Practice in Governance, Leadership and Strategy

EXCELLENCE Award for Service Delivery and Asset Management

Fulton Hogan EXCELLENCE Award for Community Engagement

EXCELLENCE Award for Best Practice Contribution to Local Economic Development

  • Rotorua Lakes Council – The Revitalisation of the Rotorua Inner City - The Council’s economic development strategy to revitalise the inner city, thereby improving visitor experiences for locals and tourists, catalysing private investment, driving retail tenancy levels and creating employment.
  • Waikato District Council – Te Awa River Ride – Ngaruawahia to Horotiu - The final 3km of shared walkway/cycleway, including a Waikato River crossing, the iconic Perry Bridge structure. Delivering the infrastructure to complete the link was the result of years of collaboration between multiple stakeholder groups, each represented by passionate individuals striving for better outcomes for their communities.

Air New Zealand EXCELLENCE Award for Environmental Impact

Creative New Zealand EXCELLENCE Award Best Creative Place

  • Horowhenua District Council – Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom - Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom is a shared place which is the result of a collaborative process; creating a space for tangata whenua, Dutch settlers and the local community. 
  • Kāpiti Coast District Council – Kāpiti Arts Trail - A flagship arts event, which the Kāpiti Coast District Council has led for the past 17 years. This year’s event gives over 100 local artists the opportunity to welcome the public into their studios and observe the work they do and the passion they have for art. Its focus is on inclusivity, participation and celebrating cultural vibrancy through the district.
  • Palmerston North City Council – Public Art Programme - An integrated suite of initiatives that support the creative sector to build a sense of place and enhance access to the arts.