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Productivity Commission draft report provides climate change strategy

Local Government New Zealand welcomes the release this morning of the Productivity Commission’s draft low emissions economy report as another step towards greater action on climate change.

Local Government New Zealand welcomes the release this morning of the Productivity Commission’s draft low emissions economy report as another step towards greater action on climate change.

The Commission’s inquiry has identified options for how New Zealand could reduce its domestic greenhouse gas emissions through a transition towards a lower emissions future, while at the same time continuing to grow incomes and wellbeing.

In the draft report the Commission says the strategy for New Zealand involves replacing fossil-fuels, where feasible, with clean electricity (eg, electric vehicles and lower grade process heat) together with substantial land use change in favour of large scale new forestry plantation and significant growth in horticulture. The report considers that this is the most efficient strategy for New Zealand with currently available technology.

LGNZ President Dave Cull says the draft report shows the Productivity Commission’s inquiry reflects LGNZ’s position in its local government position statement on climate change, and the Local Government Leaders’ Climate Change Declaration 2017.

“Climate change has been identified by local government as one of the highest priorities for the sector, with councils to play important roles in mitigating and particularly adapting to climate change impacts,” Mr Cull says. 

“However we are going to need a joint approach between central and local government, industry and communities if we are to begin to see results on climate change, whether in reducing emissions or adapting for its impacts.

“Climate change is a problem of national scale in need of a collaborative, national response, and the Commission has addressed that in its draft report.”

In its position statement LGNZ seeks to establish clear guidelines on climate change responsibilities, for government at all levels, the private sector and individuals, including where the costs of adapting to climate change will fall.  It also highlights the need for a national education campaign to raise awareness and promote actions to support the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Mr Cull says LGNZ supports a clearer pathway to a low carbon economy.

“We welcome the draft report which provides recommendations to promote changes to establish credible and stable climate policy.  Local government is ready to do its part and we welcome the opportunity to provide a submission on what is needed to aid New Zealand’s transition to a low emissions economy.”


For more information contact LGNZ’s Deputy Chief Executive Advocacy, Helen Mexted on 029 924 1221 or helen.mexted@lgnz.co.nz