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LGNZ extends condolences to those in Christchurch

LGNZ President Dave Cull has expressed his condolences to those affected by the terrible acts in Christchurch.


LGNZ President Dave Cull has expressed his condolences to those affected by the terrible acts in Christchurch.

“On behalf of communities around New Zealand and the wider local government whanau I want to express my condolences to the families of those affected by the terrible acts of violence in Christchurch."

"It goes against everything we stand for; our welcome, our openness, our manaakitanga and our desire to build strong, safe communities."

“This outrage has not been perpetrated against someone else. It has been done to us. And we must support each other in our shock, our hurt and our grief.”

"There is no room for this kind of hatred in our society, and it's up to us to make this right. Local communities have embraced migrants of all cultures who choose to make New Zealand their home, many as part of the Welcoming Communities Programme. Through these and many other efforts we become one people - one community."

"Right now, we need to support those people in Christchurch affected most - the families, friends, and those in our public service and volunteers who have assisted. We will do everything in our power to make sure this doesn't happen again.  Kia kaha."