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Local government Vote 2019 campaign gains major partners

Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) has signed up a number of major partners in the Vote 2019 campaign to lift nationwide voter turnout in local elections and increase people’s engagement with their local council.

Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) has signed up a number of major partners in the Vote 2019 campaign to lift nationwide voter turnout in local elections and increase people’s engagement with their local council.

Although local election turnout has been declining since the 1980s, turnout increased slightly in 2016 to 43 per cent.

LGNZ’s Vote 2019 campaign will address this by working with participating local councils, community and business groups and other stakeholders to showcase the value local government provides to communities across the country, and why it is so important to have a say in local government representation.

LGNZ President Dave Cull welcomes a range of major partners coming on board, including the Ministry for Women, Policy, Federated Farmers, Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce, Employers & Manufacturers Association, Wellington Chamber of Commerce, Multicultural NZ, Neighbourly and the New Zealand Public Service Association.

“Getting these major partners on board is integral to the Vote 2019 campaign – they’ll each bring their own expertise and networks to help reach and inspire voters and candidates. They can relate and extend Vote 2019’s messages to their audiences, increasing the reception and reach of the campaign while using the wider platform to promote their message.”

Mr Cull said LGNZ research shows a significant number of citizens are interested in the local government process but don’t vote, or want to vote but say it’s too hard to find the information to make an informed decision about candidates.

“This year we are excited to be working with Policy for the first time.  They will be canvassing candidates on their policies and positions and providing this information online for the public, so that it’s easier than ever to cast a well-informed vote.”

“With the support of all these partners, Vote 2019 will ensure voters have access to the information they need about local candidates standing and about the voting process, including when, where and how they can vote,” said Mr Cull.

“These partners will also help inspire the committed and talented people in their networks to stand for office locally and to vote in their local elections as that’s the most powerful ways to influence positive outcomes in their communities,” he said.

LGNZ are interested in talking to other organisations that would like to support Vote 2019 – contact amanda.boyd@lgnz.co.nz