If you see yourself as a potential leader and are passionate about your community then now’s your chance to give local politics a go and have a say in your community’s future.
Nominations for candidates wishing to stand in this year’s local council elections opened on Friday 19 July and will close at noon on Friday 16 August.
Local Government New Zealand Chief Executive Malcolm Alexander says anyone wishing to stand as a candidate for their local council, local board or community board should get their nominations in now.
“Standing for local council is an incredible opportunity for people to have their say about the issues that affect their community directly and develop their leadership skills,” Mr Alexander says.
“We have an incredible pool of talent in New Zealand – dedicated Kiwis who are already becoming leaders in their communities.”
"Standing for their local council is a great way to step up and have real influence over the key issues affecting their families, friends and communities, and we encourage them to come forward now,” Mr Alexander says.
Meanwhile LGNZ has launched its Vote 2019 campaign, which aims to lift nationwide voter turnout in local elections and increase people’s engagement with their local council.
The national Vote 2019 campaign showcases the value local government provides to communities across the country, with a strong focus on inspiring more New Zealanders to vote, and building a pool of skilled candidates to stand in their communities.
Voting papers will be sent out from 20 September and need to be filled in and posted in time to reach the electoral office by 12 noon on Saturday 12 October.
“Providing communities with a choice of candidates that they feel confident will make the best decisions for their area is vital. We also hope that a pool of competent and passionate candidates will drive even more citizens to vote this year,” Mr Alexander says.
For further information on standing as a candidate contact your local council, visit www.vote2019.co.nz or contact your electoral officer.