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Vote 2019 highlights the important issues that matter to New Zealanders

LGNZ has started a conversation on social media with New Zealanders through its Vote 2019 campaign, aiming to raise important issues around housing, transport, water, tourism, business and economic development and local amenities and services.


LGNZ has started a conversation on social media with New Zealanders through its Vote 2019 campaign, aiming to raise important issues around housing, transport, water, tourism, business and economic development and local amenities and services.

LGNZ President Dave Cull says that by raising key issues affecting communities around the country, LGNZ is hoping it will encourage residents to get more involved in conversations about what matters to them, and how they can get involved.

“Our aim is to grow citizens’ understanding of the breadth of services delivered each day by local governments across New Zealand, and the impact those services have on their everyday lives.  By making that connection, and providing information through the CouncilMARK™ programme, we hope to inspire New Zealanders to take a more proactive stance on the issues they care about in their communities,” says Mr Cull.

LGNZ’s most recent Facebook post has asked New Zealanders whether what needs to be done to increase housing supply.

Not surprisingly, the feedback revealed that New Zealanders would like to see a system that both trains the next generation of skilled tradespeople and grows affordable housing, without over-burdening ratepayers with the costs of failed construction companies.

Mr Cull says LGNZ is encouraged by the initial results and looks forward to more discussion on subsequent issues raised throughout the campaign.

“The response we’ve received so far is very encouraging.  New Zealanders are passionate about their communities and it’s great to see residents getting involved in the conversation about what matters most to them,” says Mr Cull.

The social media campaign is part of the wider Vote 2019 campaign, with the vote2019.co.nz website providing information for voters, candidates, media, and other key partners, as well as offering campaign background and research statistics.

LGNZ’s Vote 2019 elections campaign aims to lift nationwide voter turnout in local elections and increase people’s engagement with their local council.

“Our goal is that, for the first time in nearly two decades, local government will be elected by a majority of New Zealanders,” says Mr Cull.