Remit #1 Central government funding for public transport
This remit was proposed by Porirua City Council and supported by the Metro Sector. It calls on central government to fully and permanently fund free public transport for students, community service card holders, under 25s, and total mobility card holders and their support people – and to extend the reach and frequency of Aotearoa’s current public transport network.
The remit was passed with 82 per cent support.
Remit #2 Review of Government transport funding
Proposed by New Plymouth District Council and supported by: Rangitīkei District Council, Hauraki District Council, South Taranaki District Council, Western Bay of Plenty District Council, Stratford District Council and Hamilton City Council. This remit wants LGNZ to call for an independent review, to commence within the next 12 months, into the way in which government, through Waka Kotahi, fund transport investments in Aotearoa. This includes funding of new developments and maintenance programmes.
The remit was passed with 96 per cent support of the sector.
Remit #3 Illegal street racing
Proposed by Hutt City Council and supported by: Upper Hutt City Council, Masterton District Council, Carterton District Council, Tauranga City Council, Hamilton City Council and Porirua City Council. This remit proposes that LGNZ implement a nation-wide working group of subject matter experts with the objective of formulating an action plan to effectively enforce the Land Transport Act 1998, and work with police to tackle illegal street racing and the antisocial behaviour associated with it.
The remit was passed with 77 per cent support of the sector.
Remit #4 Bylaw infringements
Proposed by Auckland Council and supported by: Auckland Zone. This remit calls for LGNZ to lobby Government to implement an infringement notice regime for general bylaws.
The remit was passed with 89 per cent support.
Remit #5 Density and proximity of vaping retailers
Proposed by Kaipara District Council and supported by: Zone 1. This remit wants LGNZ to request the Government to restrict the sale of vaping products to R18 specialist vape stores and develop proximity limits to prevent the clustering of vaping product retailers and protect young people.
The remit was passed with 79 per cent support.
Remit #6 Polling LGNZ members
Proposed by New Plymouth District Council and supported by: Taupō District Council, SouthTaranaki District Council, Thames-Coromandel District Council, Stratford District Council, Taranaki Regional Council, Central Otago District Council. This remit proposes that LGNZ adopt a policy to poll the LGNZ membership on any significant issue affecting local government in Aotearoa, prior to making that decision. LGNZ should develop a policy in conjunction with the membership that sets out the threshold for polling the membership. In the interim, the decision about the threshold for polling rests with National Council.
The remit was passed with 67 per cent support of the sector.