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Even if you were part of one of these last triennium, you still need to sign up again for this triennium.  


We will send out sign-up information very soon – so if you’re keen to join a committee or be a part of the networks, keep a close eye out.  

Te Maruata Roopu Whakahaere and Whānui 

Te Maruata, the Māori Committee, includes the wider whānui of Māori elected and iwi-appointed members in local government, and offers the opportunity to connect through wānanga and hui throughout the triennium. Their role is: 

  • promoting increased representation of Māori as elected members of local government; 
  • enhancing Māori participation in local government processes 
  • providing support for councils in building strong relationships with iwi, hapu and Māori 
  • providing Māori input on development of future policies or legislation relating to local government
  • fostering and supporting a network of Māori elected members and staff of local government for the purpose of sharing information, challenges, and aspirations relevant to kaupapa Māori 

The Te Maruata Roopu Whakahaere elections and hui 

The elections will be held as a part of the Te Maruata Whānui hui on Tuesday 6 December in Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Wellington.

The hui is a chance for Māori elected members and kaimahi to come together for kōrero and whakawhanaungatanga to commemorate the start of the new triennium and for the election. 

If you’re keen to join Te Maruata, 6 December is an important date to add to your diary. LGNZ and Te Maruata will be providing more info closer to the time. 

Young Elected Members Committee and Network (YEM)  

The Young Elected Members Committee represents elected members under the age of 40. As well as supporting their members, YEM provides advice to National Council, including its Governance and Strategy Advisory Group, and to staff. YEM’s role is to: 

  • enhance youth participation in local government processes 
  • build strong relationships between councils, young people and youth organisations 
  • advise on practical matters likely to have specific implications for younger elected members, such as remuneration and professional development 
  • advise on matters of LGNZ policy, and central government policy and legislation, where young elected members share a view 

YEM also create opportunities for young elected members to: 

  • network and exchange ideas; 
  • peer mentor and access practical support 
  • access appropriate professional development. 

The date for the YEM election is yet to be decided, but will likely take place in the first quarter of 2023.  

The Community Boards Executive Committee (CBEC)   

The Te Komiti Whakahaere o ngā Poari Hapori Community Boards Executive Committee (CBEC) represents all the community boards in New Zealand.  

CBEC is an advisory committee to National Council. The committee advocates in favour of community boards, advises National Council, and promotes best practice amongst community boards.  

As well as CBEC meetings, each Zone representative runs regular zone forums to update community board members and focus on topical issues. 

The date for CBEC elections is yet to be decided, but will likely take place in the first quarter of 2023.