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Join Te Maruata whānui

Te Maruata Roopu Whakahaere, the Māori Committee, is a sub-committee of the National Council of LGNZ.


Te Maruata also includes the wider whānui of Māori elected and iwi-appointed members in local government which offers the opportunity to connect through wānanga and hui throughout the triennium.


Te Maruata also works in collaboration with Te Pae Urungi, the national collective of Māori staff within councils.

The role of Te Maruata is:

  • promoting increased representation of Māori as elected and appointed members of local government;
  • enhancing Māori participation in local government processes
  • providing support for councils in building strong relationships with iwi, hapu and Māori
  • providing Māori input on the development of future policies or legislation relating to local government
  • fostering and supporting a network of Māori elected members and staff of local government for the purpose of sharing information, challenges and aspirations relevant to kaupapa Māori

The Roopu Whakahaere are elected representatives on behalf of the whānui and made up of :

  • One Metro Sector Representative
  • One Rural and Provincial Sector Representative
  • One Regional Sector Representative
  • One Young Elected Members Representative
  • Four Members elected at large
  • In 2023, there will be two additional seats for Māori Wards representatives comprising a seat each for wāhine and tāne representatives
  • Te Pae Urungi is also invited to nominate a representative to sit on Te Maruata Roopu Whakahaere

Te Maruata Roopu Whakahaere elections and hui

Te Maruata Roopu Whakahaere elections will be held as a part of the Te Maruata Whānui hui on Tuesday 6 December from 9am-5pm in Te Whanganui-a-Tara.

The hui is a chance for Māori elected members to come together for kōrero and whakawhanaungatanga to commemorate the start of the new triennium.

The day will include the election and:

  • Pōwhiri and kōrero from mana whenua
  • The role of Te Maruata and LGNZ
  • Te Āhuru Mōwai, the mentoring programme for Māori elected and appointed members
  • An address from the Minister of Local Government, Hon. Nanaia Mahuta

We encourage all councils to support Māori elected members to attend this hui. Please email info@lgnz.co.nz to join Te Maruata Whānui and register your attendance for this hui.

Nominating yourself for the Roopu Whakahaere

Nominations will be called from the floor on the day and voting will take place via a secret ballot. Each nominee will have the chance to share a short kōrero about why they are suited for the role. Results will be announced on the day.