Despite the challenges associated with the region’s rapid population growth and with the added pressure of operating in a Covid-19 environment, the report found that the Council has made significant inroads over the last four years.
LGNZ President Stuart Crosby says that residents will be pleased with the way their Council has geared itself for success.
“This report makes it clear that the Council has a maturing vision for the future, something that can only be built off the back of constructive relationships. The Mayor and CEO enjoy a high degree of trust and co-operation amongst staff and elected representatives, and strong and effective relationships have been developed with local iwi.
“On top of this, well-focussed financial and infrastructure strategies have been developed and aligned with each other. Together they lay out a sound, long-term plan for future investment. It speaks to the competency and professionalism of the council staff operating in these areas.
“This standard of forward planning will need to remain a focus however if the Council is to meet challenges posed by three waters reform and by the sheer scale of growth the district is experiencing,” says Crosby
Taupō District Council CEO Gareth Green said overall, the assessment was a great result and evidence of the hard work that had been done in the last four years.
“Going into the election period, this independent report should give candidates and the community confidence that we are headed in the right direction, and batting above our weight.
“While this shows we are on the right track, we are determined to keep improving and making sure the Taupō District continues to be a great place to live, work and play.” said Gareth Green.
The full CouncilMARK™ report can be found here.
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