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Cyclone Gabrielle: more enduring changes are required if we want to streamline future responses

Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) are calling for enduring changes to streamline future emergency responses, says President of LGNZ Stuart Crosby.


 “After a devastating event like Cyclone Gabrielle, local government plays a critical role in helping communities find their feet again.  The Severe Weather Emergency Legislation Bill makes it easier for councils leading the recovery phase.


“But as emergencies become more frequent, councils require long lasting solutions to support response efforts. That means changes to the Local Government Act to make things like online quorums for meetings automatic when disaster strikes.


“During an emergency councils must make rapid decisions. When it’s not possible to meet in person, councillors should be able to meet virtually without first needing a bill to pass through parliament.


“We’re calling on the Government to consider practical changes like this during the upcoming review into emergency management.


“Ultimately, central government needs to trust and enable councils to make the best decisions for their communities.


“Repeatedly, local leaders have handled emergencies incredibly well. That’s no accident. They have the local knowledge and networks required to navigate the likes of what we saw last month,” says Stuart Crosby.