Below are a selection of photos for the main conference sessions.
To view all the professional photos of the conference please click here and enter the password: lgnz2017
Sunday 23 July |
Powhiri and opening ceremony |
Keynote address: Community, Engagement and Democracy: A personal perspective on local pride, identity and connectionRt Hon Dame Patsy Reddy |
Host Mayor's addressHon Phil Goff |
Prime Minister's addressRt Hon Bill English |
LGNZ President's address: Pathway to the prosperity of our communitiesLawrence Yule, President, LGNZ |
Welcome from Simpson GriersonJonathan Salter |
Monday 24 July
Transpower breakfast session with Billie Jordan |
Community faces: how people are shaping the futureGael Surgenor, The Southern Initiative |
Building tomorrow's places 2050: the role of technologyDr David Warburton, Chief Executive, Auckland Transport |
Creating tomorrow's places 2050Mayor Craig Little, Wairoa District Council |
Liveable spaces and loveable places: community infrastructureThe City of Melbourne Lord Mayor Robert Doyle |
Sustainable development 2050: inspired action to build great communitiesSir Bob Harvey, Champion for Auckland, Auckland Council |
Tuesday 25 July |
Looking after tomorrow's places 2050: meeting our nation's water needsKen Taylor, Director, National Science Challenge, Our Land and Water |
Closing keynote: Future proofing our communitiesHolly Ransom, futurist and global strategist |