On Friday 7 September 2018 LGNZ hosted the Climate Change Symposium, which focused on the challenges and opportunities of climate change, options for addressing the challenges and the work underway in councils across the country to adapt to and mitigate climate change.
The symposium was opened by LGNZ President Mayor Dave Cull and session topics included:
- The impacts of climate change on communities;
- LGNZ’s sea level rise work;
- Strategies for adapting to the changing climate – a panel discussion;
- Engaging with communities to manage coastal hazards;
- Creative strategies for community and iwi engagement;
- Climate change and the law;
- Who pays? A panel discussion;
- Linked adaptation and mitigation strategy;
- Climate change mitigation and local government; and
- Tools for measuring carbon emissions.
To view the full programme click here.
To view the slides for each presentation please click the relevant links below.
Setting the scene - the impacts of climate change on communities
Associate Professor Janet Stephenson, Director, Centre for Sustainability University of Otago (Deep South National Science Challenge researcher)
Address by the Interim Climate Change Committee
Dr David Prentice, Chair, Interim Climate Change Committee
LGNZ’s sea level rise work
James Hughes, Infrastructure Resilience Specialist, Tonkin + Taylor (Deep South National Science Challenge researcher)
Strategies for adapting to the changing climate – a panel discussion
Mayor Dave Cull, Dunedin City Council
Sandy Graham, Strategy and Governance General Manager, Dunedin City Council
Mayor Tony Bonne, Whakatāne District Council
Engaging with communities to manage coastal hazards
Simon Bendall, Director, Mitchell Daysh (Facilitator)
Chris Dolley, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
Jacqui Hastie, Wellington City Council
Nicki Williams, Kāpiti Coast District Council
Dr Iain Dawe, Greater Wellington Regional Council
Creative strategies for community and iwi engagement
Dr Huhana Smith, Head of School of Art, Massey University (Deep South National Science Challenge researcher)
Climate change and the law
Vernon Rive, Senior Law Lecturer, AUT Law School
Who pays? A panel discussion
Stuart Crosby, Vice President, LGNZ
Malcolm Alexander, Chief Executive, LGNZ
Andrew Saunders, Regulatory Affairs Manager, New Zealand Insurance Council
Gina Mohi, Te Maruata Roopu Whakahaere member
Karla Kereopa, Iwi representative
Linked adaptation and mitigation strategy
Dr Sarah Anderson, Principal Specialist: Climate Resilience and Sustainability, Auckland Council
Climate change mitigation and local government
Mayor Don Cameron, Ruapehu District Council and National Council and Mitigation Reference Group member
Kevin Crutchley, Resource Efficiency Manager, Christchurch City Council
Sue Kedgley, Councillor, Greater Wellington Regional Council
Roger Blakeley, Councillor, Greater Wellington Regional Council
Tools for measuring carbon emissions
Maurice Marquardt, Team Leader Sustainability and Resilience, AECOM
Visual record of presentations
We were delighted to have the League of Live Illustrators join us to capture a visual record of the discussions that took place at the Symposium. Copies of the images produced can be viewed below.
We encourage you to share these images with elected members and staff at your council. We hope that the themes recorded on each of the images will prompt further discussion about the various challenges and opportunities of climate change within your councils, and encourage you to utilise these discussions to inform the development of a climate change strategy or action plan for your council. We also encourage you to share these images with your communities, and to use them as part of ongoing discussions with your communities about the urgent need to address climate change.