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2019 CBEC Conference

The theme of the 2019 Community Boards Conference was "Community Boards in a Time of Change".  Community Boards throughout New Zealand play a major role in supporting their communities and their Councils. This makes them an integral and vital cog in Local Government.

It was the twelfth Community Boards conference and took place from 11-13 April 2019 in New Plymouth.

Conference presentations

Presentations from the 2019 Community Board Conference can be found below:

1 - Darren Pratley - Looking forward, encouraging youth and talent

2 - David Cull - Address from LGNZ President

2 - Puna Wano-Bryant - Engaging with Māori Community

3 - Sean Zeiltjes - Taranaki Mounga Project

4 - Sarah Colcord - Important role of Youth Voice Groups

5 - Malcolm Alexander - LGNZ Localism Project

5 - Shay Wright - Foundations for community development

6 - Caitlin Metz - Rural broadband

6 - Elaine Reilly & Julie Tinga - Age friendly movement

6 - Natalie - Aging Pop

6 - Toby Shanley - Towards Predator-free Taranaki