TS150308 l

Localism Project on a page

LGNZ is re-designing government from a localist perspective.  Excessive centralisation leads to a ‘one size fits all’ approach, and can lead to bottlenecks in policy-making & implementation when empowered local government could just get on and get things done.  New Zealand needs local innovation and local solutions to the problems and challenges of economic growth, housing, roading and all those other issues that affect people’s lives.

LGNZ is re-designing government from a localist perspective.  Excessive centralisation leads to a ‘one size fits all’ approach, and can lead to bottlenecks in policy-making & implementation when empowered local government could just get on and get things done.  New Zealand needs local innovation and local solutions to the problems and challenges of economic growth, housing, roading and all those other issues that affect people’s lives.

Read the full publication (165 KB)