Councils have access to information, advice and resources to support development of affordable housing policies.
Advocacy and Actions
A webinar on the use of the “local grown” toolkits and resources with likely examples from Treasury and Auckland.
A webinar for local councils to understand influencers of supply and demand as well as potential outcomes for expanded and improve housing provision.
Affordable Housing report
LGNZ has released reports that provide information on policy, regulatory and market tools developed to assist councils who wish to stimulate the supply of affordable housing within their communities.
Click the links below to read the reports:
Affordable Housing webinar
LGNZ resources
Other resources
- James_2017_getting_the_housing
- James_2017_special_housing_areas
- James_2018_spaces_in_contention_in_WBOP_SHAs
- Murphy-SHAposter1
- Affordable Housing - Auckland's Position
- Rethinking Local Affordable Housing Strategies
- CRESA - local-government-affordable-housing-report
Government Updates