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LGNZ Housing Symposium 2018

On Thursday 28 June 2018 LGNZ hosted the Housing 2030 symposium, an important step in establishing a collaborative discussion across central and local government and about local government's role in supporting the delivery of housing.

On Thursday 28 June 2018 LGNZ hosted the Housing 2030 symposium, an important step in establishing a collaborative discussion across central and local government and about local government's role in supporting the delivery of housing.

The symposium was opened by the Minister of Housing, Hon Phil Twyford and had two parts:

  • Land supply and infrastructure - Funding and finance; NPS for Urban Development Capacity, Urban Development Authorities and implementing KiwiBuild.
  • Social and community housing - Central government’s vision and plans for social housing, the role local government can play, understanding the issues for Māori and growing the community housing sector.

To view the full programme click here.


To view the slides for each presentation please click the relevant links below.

1. Government's housing policy and the role of local government

Hon Phil Twyford, Minister of Housing and Urban Development


2. Auckland Council - the challenges and opportunities for increasing land supply

Penny Pirrit, Director Regulatory Services, Auckland Council


3. Central government's work, including funding tools

Jon Grayson, Deputy Secretary Financial and Commercial, Treasury


4. Infrastructure funding and financing for housing - innovative thinking

Duncan Olde, Division Director, Macquarie Bank


5. A city perspective on an Urban Development Authority and how it might best be implemented

Kevin Lavery, Chief Executive, Wellington City Council


6. Introduction to the Government's role out of KiwiBuild and the role local government needs to play

Stephen Barclay, Head of KiwiBuild, MBIE


7. Meeting the skills shortage in the building industry

Warwick Quinn, Chief Executive, BCITO


8. Case study - Panuku Development Auckland

David Rankin, Chief Operating Officer, Panuku Development Auckland


9. National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity - reflections on its implementation

Lesley Baddon, Manager, Urban Environment, Policy Division, Ministry for the Environment


10. Government's vision for social housing

Hon Jenny Salesa, Associate Minister of Housing and Urban Development


11. Ministry of Social Development - Homelessness, Public Housing, Supply and Support Services

Scott Gallacher, Deputy Chief Executive, Housing, Ministry of Social Development



12. Meeting the housing needs of Māori and the role of local government

Robert MacBeth, Senior Advisor, Te Puni Kōkiri


13. Queenstown Lakes District Council - outcomes of the Housing Affordability Taskforce

Tony Avery, General Manager Planning and Development, Queenstown Lakes District Council


14. Enabling delivery of affordable housing

Chris Glaudel, Deputy Director, Community Housing Aotearoa



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