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2019 Media Releases

2019 Media Releases

LGNZ broadly supports the Road to Zero Safety Strategy, saying that its success will depend on government and NZTA improving their relationships with local communities, who directly fund this core infrastructure through fuel taxes and rates.

LGNZ President Dave Cull says that Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment Simon Upton is on the money with his new report warning that domestic and international tourists are putting too much pressure on our environment.

Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) is lamenting the lack of courage shown in the Productivity Commission’s Local Government Funding Report, saying that while it makes many worthy recommendations, its play-it-safe-approach relegates the report to a mere repeat of the nine rates reviews that have preceded it since 1945.

Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) extends it condolences to those adversely affected by the recent heavy rains and flooding, saying it highlights the urgent need for councils and central government to ramp up investment in New Zealand’s river management and flood protection schemes.

LGNZ is welcoming the Government’s plan to increase funding for onshore recycling and to reduce the amount of landfilled waste, saying it is a vital part of the wider system change needed to improve New Zealand’s waste management.


A new report from the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment is being backed by LGNZ, who agree that more resources and a clear national purpose for environmental reporting is needed.

LGNZ today submitted its package of recommendations to central government on how to shape up the Essential Freshwater Package into a fit for purpose regulatory package that will deliver the public’s expectations of sustainable, swimmable, healthy waterways.


Manawatū District Council has today received their first CouncilMARK™ report, which shows a rural council tackling the challenges of a growing population and changing environmental and regulatory landscapes.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is congratulating the best and brightest vocational students who are graduating over the next two months as part of a jointly run programme between the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs (MTFJ) and the Industry Training Federation (ITF).

Local Government New Zealand today confirmed what many local election commentators have observed; that more of the voting public cast their ballots in favour of women candidates than ever before.

Voters in the 2019 local elections have elected the largest number of new mayors in 30 years, with 26 candidates set to don mayoral chains for the first time later this month.


New Zealand’s mayoral ranks received a boost from women and candidates under 40 years of age in the 2019 local body elections, according to Local Government New Zealand’s analysis of the preliminary results.

Local Government New Zealand is urging anyone who hasn’t received voting papers in the mail to pop into their local council office or contact their local electoral officer to make a special vote in their local elections.


Local election voting packs are arriving with enrolled voters, and to make sure you have your say, Local Government New Zealand is urging people to post their papers on Vote Day – Saturday 5 October 2019.

Voting in the 2019 local government elections is an opportunity to shape the future of New Zealand and people can expect to receive their voting papers from today says LGNZ Chief Executive Malcolm Alexander.


Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) is calling the release of the National Climate Change Risk Assessment (NCCRA) framework a good first step in balancing New Zealand’s response to climate change.

Local Government New Zealand’s Regional Sector Water Subgroup is proactively releasing a report assessing some of the potential impacts from the reforms proposed under the Essential Freshwater Package, noting that the research needs to be carefully used and considered.

LGNZ has welcomed the launch of the Essential Freshwater package as an important step to cleaning up the country’s waterways, but says more work is needed to ensure that the Government right-sizes the package to take communities with them.

A hui being held tomorrow will see the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs (MTFJ), local and central government, iwi, business, community and philanthropy groups explore how more people can gain the benefits of a driver licence.


With just six weeks until the final day of voting, the 2019 New Zealand Local Elections are shaping up to be hugely competitive with more than two candidates standing for every council seat on offer across the country (2,076 candidates standing for the 889 seats).


LGNZ is equipping councils with another key policy tool to help them gear their communities up for the impact of climate change with the release of the Exposed: Climate change and infrastructure guidance document.

LGNZ will carefully consider the proposed National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) to assess if it meets the Government’s aim of enabling urban development or simply adds more red tape to the planning process.


LGNZ welcome The New Zealand’s Initiative’s ‘Living after midnight’ report as an important step to advance the debate around how councils protect their communities, but also allow the night-time economy to thrive.


LGNZ will be cautiously assessing the wider implications of the newly proposed National Position Statement on Highly Productive Land (NPS-HPL), noting that that it traverses a number of highly complex policy areas including housing affordability and property rights.

The launch of a public consultation by the Ministry for the Environment to identify products that should be included in product stewardship schemes is being welcomed by LGNZ, who say that it’s time for a mandatory scheme to incentivise waste minimisation and diversion from landfill.

LGNZ is disappointed central government has opted for the harshest medicine to help a minority of ailing polytechs by creating an untested and uncosted mega-institute to run all vocational training in New Zealand.

LGNZ welcomes the establishment of a drinking water regulator, a move councils have long been calling for, and commends central government for strengthening its long-neglected stewardship role in the provision of safe drinking water.

Local Government New Zealand calling for all eligible people to take action and enrol to vote in the upcoming 2019 local government elections.

School Strike 4 Climate NZ organisers Sophie Handford and Raven Maeder delivered a clear message to over 600 local government mayors, chairs, chief executives and councillors at the recent LGNZ conference:  make climate change a priority.

If you see yourself as a potential leader and are passionate about your community then now’s your chance to give local politics a go and have a say in your community’s future.

A record 21 remits were made official Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) policy at LGNZ’s Annual General Meeting today, from a total of 24 remits that were voted on. 

Gisborne District Council topped the table of winners in the Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) EXCELLENCE Awards, taking home overall honours in an outstanding field.

Over 600 local and central government delegates, including the Right Honourable Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand, were on hand to hear LGNZ president Dave Cull launch a roadmap to greater localism – ‘Reinvigorating Democracy: The case for localising power and decision making to councils and communities,’ at the opening of the LGNZ Conference in Wellington this afternoon.


Councils will vote on a record 24 remits at the Local Government New Zealand Annual General Meeting on Sunday, held in Wellington as part of the 2019 LGNZ Conference.

A draft report on local government funding and financing by the Productivity Commission has put the spotlight on a number of issues that LGNZ have been calling for central government action on.


Over 550 delegates will attend the 2019 LGNZ Conference in Wellington this weekend, where a roadmap for restoring the balance between local and central government will be unveiled.


Youth across New Zealand will experience a local council election first-hand as voters in the Youth Voting 2019 programme.

The high levels of service local councils provide to communities across New Zealand are again demonstrated through the exceptional range and standard of finalists in the Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) EXCELLENCE Awards.

Local Government New Zealand is encouraging community-minded leaders to get ahead of the game and start thinking about running for their upcoming local council elections now.

LGNZ welcomes a budgetary focus on well-being, which provides support for local government’s newly reinstated four well-beings, and a programme of work that promises a more equitable regional transition to a cleaner, greener future.

A newly announced urban development authority - Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities – has the potential to address our housing crisis, but shouldn’t put regional New Zealand in its blind spot says LGNZ President Dave Cull.

Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) has signed up a number of major partners in the Vote 2019 campaign to lift nationwide voter turnout in local elections and increase people’s engagement with their local council.

LGNZ is encouraged by the announcement of a national plan to address New Zealand’s growing recycling issues, citing the need for more detailed work to truly deliver a sustainable circular economy.

Local Government New Zealand is delighted to see the Local Government (Community Well-being) Amendment Bill pass its third and final reading in Parliament last night, effectively reinstating the four aspects of community well-being – social, economic, environmental and cultural – into the Local Government Act.


LGNZ welcomes the introduction of the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill as a necessary step towards meeting our international obligations to reduce greenhouse gases in our economy.


LGNZ has started a conversation on social media with New Zealanders through its Vote 2019 campaign, aiming to raise important issues around housing, transport, water, tourism, business and economic development and local amenities and services.


The latest report providing metrics on the state of New Zealand’s environment is being welcomed by LGNZ’s Regional Sector as a way for councils to focus their efforts where it can make the biggest difference.


Ratepayers may face hefty legal bills due to a lack of government action on adaptation policy, according to a leading legal opinion by Jack Hodder QC.

LGNZ President Dave Cull has expressed his condolences to those affected by the terrible acts in Christchurch.


Local Government New Zealand is calling on the government to ensure that the internal issues at the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) are fixed soon.  The current state of affairs is stalling housing developments and regional economies through the Agency’s seeming inability to progress vital roading projects.

Local Government New Zealand is disappointed by the Government’s blanket decision to not renew the Special Housing Area (SHA) legislation, saying the policy needed refinement not a red line through it.


The Independent Assessment Board which oversees CouncilMARK™, the local government excellence programme, has today awarded Hauraki District Council with an A rating, citing stand out performance in governance, strategy and engagement with the community.

A report released today by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) provides strong support for the recommendations given by LGNZ’s recent report Vulnerable, which identified as much as $14 billion of local government infrastructure is exposed to sea level rise.

The announcement of a referendum to gauge public support for a Queenstown visitor levy is welcomed by LGNZ, who noted the town’s exceptional challenges, where a population of 28,000 people provide infrastructure for over three million visitors a year.

A CouncilMARK™ report issued for New Plymouth District Council says that while the region has experienced relative prosperity and growth, changes to the economy of New Zealand’s ‘energy capital’ may present challenges.

LGNZ’s new #Vote2019NZ campaign encourages more New Zealanders to get involved in the Local Authority Elections this October.

LGNZ’s Localism Symposium heard today how New Zealand’s highly centralised political system is failing New Zealand and we need to devolve decision making and power to improve community wellbeing.


Dunedin City Council is the latest local authority to receive a CouncilMARK™ report from the programme’s Independent Assessment Board (IAB), which has identified an organisation that has overcome legacy financial issues to achieve an A-rating.

Local Government New Zealand welcomes plans to form The New Zealand Infrastructure Commission, Te Waihanga, and supports its aim to deliver long term strategy and coordination of infrastructure planning.


A number of iconic heritage buildings will benefit from the Government’s announcement of a revamped Heritage EQUIP programme, helping to breathe life into regional town centres across New Zealand, says LGNZ President Dave Cull.

As much as $14 billion of local government infrastructure is at risk from sea level rise, according a new LGNZ report, which calls on central government to urgently develop policies to help minimise the impact of climate change on New Zealand’s communities.