This is the first year that many of these councils have implemented Māori wards, which will see more than 60 new Māori ward councillors. “It’s fantastic to see so many people putting their hands up,” says LGNZ’s Chief Executive Susan Freeman-Greene.
The Future for Local Government initiative must make the most of a historic opportunity to set communities up for success now and in the future, as it looks into the roles and responsibilities of councils amid a flurry of major policy reform, says Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ).
1 February 2021
LGNZ supports Māori Wards amendment bill
Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) is delighted to see Minister of Local Government Nanaia Mahuta announce the introduction of an amendment bill which aims to bring equality to the creation of local Māori wards.
23 October 2020
Agreement with iwi a milestone for local government
Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) is hailing the first Mana Whakahono ā Rohe or Iwi Participation Arrangement, between the West Coast Regional Council and Poutini Ngāi Tahu, as a milestone for local government that will empower local kaitiaki.
A new survey by LGNZ has confirmed the observation made at last year’s local elections that the face of local government is changing, and shows a significant increase in elected members who are younger, female, more educated and Māori.
10 August 2020
LGNZ welcomes national biodiversity strategy
Local Government New Zealand’s (LGNZ) Regional Sector has today welcomed the launch of Te Mana o te Taiao, the Aotearoa New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy, citing robust collaboration with iwi, regional councils and private landowners and leadership from central government and the Department of Conservation in delivering a plan to protect and restore New Zealand’s native ecosystems.
Local Government New Zealand’s (LGNZ) Regional Sector welcomes the introduction of new freshwater regulation, saying it’s time to look closely at the on-the-ground implementation measures that will be vital to achieve the freshwater improvements sought by both local and central government.