2 December 2022
Resource management submission outline
The Government’s resource management reform bills have had their first reading. These bills have now been referred to the Environment Select Committee – with a very tight deadline of 30 January for written submissions. To help councils start on their submissions, we’ve shared our submission outline, which highlights issues that councils are also likely to want to submit on.
16 November 2022
Time to have our say on resource management reform
The Government have introduced two pieces of legislation intended to replace the Resource Management Act. The Government says this reform will create a faster, cheaper and more efficient system but we have some reservations about that.
LGNZ is calling on the Government to bolster the provisions for communities to have a stronger voice in the exposure draft of the Natural and Built Environments Bill if it wants to improve environmental outcomes and enable development within limits.
10 December 2020
Beehive briefing sets out local government priorities
Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) has publicly released its Briefing for the Incoming Government, identifying three intertwined areas within the local government portfolio that should be the focus for both LGNZ and the Government over the next three years.
23 October 2020
Agreement with iwi a milestone for local government
Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) is hailing the first Mana Whakahono ā Rohe or Iwi Participation Arrangement, between the West Coast Regional Council and Poutini Ngāi Tahu, as a milestone for local government that will empower local kaitiaki.