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Email: media@lgnz.co.nz
Phone: 027 575 0542

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News & Media

With the big OE still out of reach for many of New Zealand’s twentysomethings, a new initiative is promising to give young city-dwellers a wholly different life experience – a rural one. Think Rural is the brainchild of LGNZ’s Mayors Taskforce for Jobs (MTFJ), with funding from the Ministry of Social Development. The central idea is to attract young people from cities to rural areas where there is a wealth of jobs on offer – and give them a chance to experience a new way of life, packed with adventure, excitement and opportunity.

The Mayors Taskforce for Jobs (MTFJ) is celebrating a successful year having placed over 1300 youth and Covid-displaced workers into sustainable employment in rural New Zealand as part of its Community Recovery Programme.

The Mayors Taskforce for Jobs (MTFJ) is celebrating a significant milestone, having guided 500 mostly young and Covid-19 displaced workers into sustainable employment through its Community Recovery Programme.


The Mayors Taskforce for Jobs (MTFJ) AGM has provided a bright spot in a dark year, as dozens of mayors, councillors, young people, community and social groups gathered on Friday to celebrate the Taskforce’s success in cultivating hundreds of job opportunities across provincial New Zealand.