Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) has today released its initial discussion document in its ‘blue skies’ review of the resource management system.
9 August 2016
The statutory framework of New Zealand's local government sector: is the key legislation working properly?
LGNZ commissioned a paper which takes a high-level look at the interrelationships between the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA), the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) and the Land Transport Management Act 2003 (LTMA).
30 September 2015
3 Waters project position paper
LGNZ has released its 3 Waters project position paper "Improving New Zealand's water, Wastewater and Stormwater Sector" and is seeking feedback from the local government sector as part of a consultation process.
3 September 2015
Mobilising the Regions transport study
LGNZ's major transport study, Mobilising the Regions, highlights the economic and social impact of strategic transport decisions nationally and in the regions, and the direct link between regional development, national prosperity, social well-being and cohesiveness.
31 July 2015
Local Government Insurance Market Review
The Local Government Insurance Market Review was prepared for Local Government New Zealand by Craig Stobo of the Local Government Funding Agency.
An issues paper prepared for LGNZ by Castalia Strategic Advisors. The LGNZ 3 Waters project is a proactive and collaborative effort by local government, central government and the water sector to improve asset performance and service provision in potable, waste and stormwater across New Zealand.
Two core ideas dominate natural hazards management:
the need for issue and place-specific responses; and
the need for integration and collaboration to develop and deliver those effective responses across the many players with a role to play.
13 August 2014
Thames-Coromandel case study "surfing the empowerment wave"
Coromandel is well known for its sandy bays, surfing, Pohutukawa trees and strong views on protection of the environment. But right now TCDC is demanding attention not only for its beaches but its balance sheet.
16 July 2014
Community-Level Governance
What provision should be made in local government legislation?Community-level governance is a focus in much of the public sector reform occurring in the world at the moment. Interest in this topic stems from two major sources.
This agreement was developed in response to the need for a template agreement to assist in local government contracting for waste kerbside collection.