TS150308 l


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Published by NZIER, this report addresses the question ‘is local government fiscally responsible?’ In brief it concludes that it is not clear that rates revenue or expenditure are too high. The result according to Mr Micawber should be ‘happiness’.

This report was produced by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and Local Government New Zealand as part of the Core Cities Project. The research was undertaken in partnership with Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, Wellington, Dunedin and Christchurch Councils. It is the first product of a staged project.

The purpose of this paper was to develop a Local Government Cost Index (LGCI) based on the cost structures of New Zealand’s local governments.  

For the 2010/11 financial year, funding was approved by the Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) National Council for a shared services programme of work.

This paper calls for reform to dramatically improve the ability to put in place effective resource management policies.

This report was prepared for Local Government New Zealand by EnFocus and is a thinkpiece whose intention is to: review the rationale for national intervention using the instruments available under the RMA that has been applied by central government; and offer an alternative rationale, if necessary, being that which might…

28 February 2011

Local Authority and Maori

This report records the practices and experiences from four formal arrangements between local authorities and Māori. The report provides local authorities and iwi with a better understanding of the different types of arrangement in use, how they were developed and how they operate.

A report on the extent of costs imposed on local government by legislation and regulation from 2006 until 2012.