TS150308 l


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Below you will find a list of LGNZ submissions.

Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) welcomes the opportunity to submit on the Electoral (Lowering Voting Age for Local Elections and Polls) Legislation Bill.

Taituarā and LGNZ strongly support a standardised national framework for natural hazards – and climate change – decision making.

 We’ve finalised our submission on the inquiry into community-led retreat and adaptation funding. Thanks to all of those who provided feedback – especially members of the RM Reform Local Government Steering Group and the Aotearoa Climate Adaptation Network.

LGNZ welcomes the opportunity to submit on the Emergency Management Bill. Communities turn to their councils when disaster hits and the Government expects councils to be responsive to their community’s needs.

Councils have a significant role in delivering transport services and infrastructure and we know the need for investment is great. LGNZ welcomes the opportunity to give feedback on the Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2023/24—2033/34, which outlines the strategic priorities for central government investment in our transport system.

The Emergency Management Bill would replace the current Civil Defence and Emergency Management Act 2002. It has received its first reading and submissions on it are open until 03 Nov 2023.

 LGNZ welcomes the opportunity to submit on ‘Strengthening the resilience of Aotearoa New Zealand’s critical infrastructure system’. Current trends, like climate change and deteriorating social cohesion, are increasing the vulnerability of our critical infrastructure.

LGNZ’s submission on the interim report of the Independent Electoral Review notes the importance of both general and local elections and calls for the review to note the need for its recommendations to be supported with similar changes for local electoral law.

We’re calling for greater recognition of the significant role local government plays in reducing emissions in the Climate Commission’s advice on the second Emissions Reduction Plan.

Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) welcomes the opportunity to submit on the Land Transport Management Amendment Bill. We support the replacement of the Public Transport Operating Model (PTOM) with the Sustainable Public Transport Framework (SPTF).