TS150308 l


Search Submissions

Below you will find a list of LGNZ submissions.

Local Government New Zealand’s submission on the Infrastructure Commission’s Consultation Document setting out a proposed direction for a Infrastructure Strategy to Government.

Local Government New Zealand’s submission on the Ministry of Transport’s Discussion Paper identifying what Aotearoa could do to shift our transport system on to a zero emissions pathway.

Local Government New Zealand's submission on the draft National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity

Local Government New Zealand's submission on the Climate Change Commission's Draft Advice to Government.

Local Government New Zealand's submission letter to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment in response to consultation on Building for Climate Change: Transforming operational efficiency and reducing whole-of-life embodied carbon.

Local Government New Zealand's submission on the Water Services Bill.

Local Government New Zealand’s submission on the Local Electoral (Māori wards and Māori constituencies) Amendment Bill.

LGNZ submission on the Draft Investment Prioritisation Method for the 2021-24 National Land Transport Programme.

LGNZ’s feedback to the Ministry of Transport on the proposed approach to draft speed management Land Transport rule: Setting of Speed Limits.

Local Government New Zealand’s submission on the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Bill.