Below you will find a list of LGNZ submissions.
12 October 2022
LGNZ’s submission on the Review of the Building Consent System Issues Discussion Document
We welcome MBIE’s whole-of-system approach to the Building Consent Review, but we’re disappointed to see the issue of liability deemed out of scope.
We’re generally supportive of the proposals in the Bill, which will help councils to better manage the impact of freedom camping. Our submission provides additional amendments that could strengthen the Bill to achieve greater national consistency.
25 August 2022
LGNZ's submission on the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Amendment Bill
We commend the Government on the Bill and its proposed introduction of measures to address harm to our communities. Our submission calls for amendments to the Bill to further regulate vaping products and reduce the availability of smoked tobacco products.
LGNZ’s paper for the Panel of the Review into the Future for local government outlines the sector’s vision for the future of local government, key challenges, and recommendations about how these challenges could be addressed.
25 July 2022
LGNZ submission on the Water Services Entities Bill
LGNZ supports the Government’s objectives for Three Waters Reform and the broad reform programme. But we continue to point out areas where the Government’s model could be improved.
LGNZ and Taituarā 's joint submission provides feedback on the draft National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity (NPSIB). Our submission focuses on the implementation and workability of the NPSIB and identifies where unanticipated outcomes may arise.
27 June 2022
Local Government New Zealand’s submission on Aotearoa New Zealand’s First Emissions Reduction Plan
The Environment Select Committee Komiti Taiao is seeking feedback on Te Hau mārohi ki anamata Towards a productive, sustainable and inclusive economy Aotearoa New Zealand’s First Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP).
10 June 2022
Local Government New Zealand’s submission on the Local Electoral (Advertising) Amendment Bill
LGNZ welcomes the opportunity to make a submission on the Local Electoral (Advertising) Amendment Bill. The safety of elected members is of the utmost importance to LGNZ. So is attracting a broad and diverse range of candidates to stand in local body elections.
The Government has acknowledged the climate crisis facing Aotearoa and responded with the National Adaptation Plan. Given the significant and increasingly urgent risks currently facing New Zealanders, LGNZ advocates for a much bolder and more directive plan.
LGNZ welcomes the review of New Zealand’s waste and recycling systems. Standardising recycling and improving collection systems across the motu will respond to a number of concerns and opportunities that have been raised in the Local Government Waste Manifesto and by communities.